
The 伙伴关系计划 was established by RTD to provide funding to local governments and Transportation Management Associations/Organizations (TMAs/TMOs) for projects and services that meet their local mobility needs.


The 2023项目征集 was open from June 1 to July 7. It made $2 million available annually for up to three years. RTD received 12 applications, of which ten were complete. The ten complete applications were prioritized by the 分区域服务理事会 w在这里 the project was located and scored by RTD staff. The scoring and prioritization were used by the selection committee, 是由RTD员工组成的, 各SSC代表一人, and one representative from the 丹佛 Regional Council of Governments, 制定最后的筹资建议. RTD is excited to partner with the below organizations to advance the expansion mobility services throughout the region.



了解更多关于RTD的次区域服务理事会的信息 在这里.

项目 赞助商 SSC 2024的资金 2025的资金 2026的资金
GES Montbello扩张公司 丹佛 东北 $150,000 $300,000 $300,000
西丹佛连接器 丹佛 西南 $150,000 $300,000 $300,000
恩格尔伍德电车扩建 恩格尔伍德 西南 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000
生Microtransit 博尔德 $450,000 $350,000 $350,000
孤树链路扩容 丹佛南部 东南 $576,000 $500,000 $0
FlexRide优化 智能交通 东北 $43,120 $0 $0
Gunbarrel航天飞机 博尔德 博尔德 $150,000 $250,000 $250,000
微移动枢纽网络 智能交通 东北 $145,719 $0 $0
总计     $1,964,839 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 


RTD plans to release the 2024 Call for 项目 in the first half of 2024. The 2024 Call for 项目 will make additional funding available for future projects, 受RTD预算程序的约束. Updates will be provided to the 分区域服务理事会 as details are finalized.


The 伙伴关系计划 is a program established by RTD to help communities meet local mobility needs. The program will have a dedicated annual budget to support partnership projects and establish a standardized process for intake and evaluation.

The program is funded with local RTD funding allocated by the RTD 董事会. In 2023, the Board has allocated $2 million to the program.

运输部署或其他移动服务. Infrastructure investments are not eligible for 伙伴关系计划 funding. 

不,基础设施项目不符合条件. 但没有资格获得合作伙伴计划资金, RTD frequently partners with local jurisdictions to help fund transit-supportive infrastructure projects.

地方政府和tma / tmo. Organizations that do not fall into these two categories can partner with an eligible entity to apply for partnership funding.

Yes, project sponsors will be required to provide a 20% match for 伙伴关系计划 projects.

No. 项目 sponsors can propose greater than 20% local match, but the amount of local match does not factor into project scoring.

项目 will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • 符合 RTD策略计划
  • 当地支持和满足当地需求的能力
  • Provides mobility w在这里 t在这里 is a gap in existing service or complements existing service
  • 为公平区域提供流动性
  • 潜在的客流量
  • 项目准备

Prospective project sponsors should complete the application released with the Call for 项目.

The 分区域服务理事会 are comprised of local governments, 运输管理协会/组织, 以及非政府组织. The boundaries of the 分区域服务理事会 are based on travelsheds, and are small enough to allow for local transit needs to be voiced, but large enough to allow for coordination with neighboring jurisdictions.

项目 submitted to RTD must be supported by the 分区域服务理事会. If more than one project is submitted to RTD by a Subregional Service Council, 必须对项目进行优先排序. 另外, each Subregional Service Council will select one representative to sit on a project selection panel with RTD staff.

Yes, specific funding limits will be identified in the Call for 项目.

No. 项目 will compete regionally and will be evaluated based on how they meet the evaluation criteria specified in the Call for 项目.

Yes, existing partnerships will be rolled into the program in future years.

项目 will be required to meet RTD performance standards for the “Community” service category. These performance standards will be set forth in the Call for 项目.

项目 sponsors can request up to three years of funding from RTD. 在最初的三年承诺之后, 该项目将根据业绩进行评估, and future funding commitments will be based on this performance as well as available funding. 

项目 sponsors can request up to three years of funding from RTD. 在最初的三年承诺之后, 该项目将根据业绩进行评估, and future funding commitments will be based on this performance as well as available funding.